Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kentang oh kentang

I woke up early this morning to shop for groceries and vege at Tesco with mum. We went early to beat the ragging traffic and eager shoppers. And here's what I found...

Normal potatoes, RM1.19 per kg

US potatoes

Pink potatoes

Washed potatoes, RM7.99 per kg. Saper yang malas nak basuh kentang bole la beli cap nih.



Anonymous said...

LOL KENTANG also got so many types and brand. haha...i think the last kentang is my type lar =P

Sherilyn said...

Yup, I bet there are more though. With vibrant colours. =) You still need to wash the "Washed" potatoes again when you want to use 'em. Haha..

By the way, fancy seeing you here.

Anna said...

hey, ni mesti takder keje post entry pasal kentang ni. oh i found out that FET's FYP softcover is orange in color.. nice...

Sherilyn said...

Memang tak de keje. Really? How orange are we talking? I want black or red! Wakakaka...

Haresh said...

Tuh la kentang pun ader 4 comments @_@? hmmm Washed potatoes? Interesting...i dint know that.Talking abot kentang, Holland potatoes does it great when it comes to cooking, very tender dan soft..
Pause! This ka yg u makan tadi?

Sherilyn said...

Uh huh. Potato salad. Nyum nyum!